CMS Solo represents a significant step forward in entry-level order management systems. Most, if not all entry-level systems on the market today set limits on the number of customers, inventory items, orders or more.
At NewHaven Software, we think that these limits are either the result of inferior software design or have been artificially imposed to force upgrades into additional modules or more expensive software.
CMS Solo has NO LIMITS! You can enter unlimited customer names, orders, products, ad codes, etc. into CMS Solo for years and years to come, without forced upgrades or the limited functionality of other systems.
In fact, the only significant difference between CMS Solo and its more expensive siblings (CMS Standard Server and CMS Professional Server) is that it has been designed as a single-user, non-networked package. Other than that, CMS Solo is based on the same robust SQL iAnywhere database technology – which means that it out performs all other systems anywhere near its price!
Because CMS Solo’s basic design and architecture are exactly the same as CMS Standard and Professional, there are no limits on your business growth. You can start with CMS Solo and upgrade to more users and advanced features as your business requires them. Plus, your initial investment in CMS Solo is protected when you upgrade, as you receive full credit for what you’ve already spent – you simply pay the difference to upgrade.
Another advantage to CMS Solo: This is not some brand-new, as yet untested software package. Because of its foundation in CMS Standard and Professional, CMS Solo is actually third-generation software, as it shares the exact same code base of our more advanced offerings. As we continue to develop features in CMS Standard and Professional, CMS Solo will benefit from these advances in technology and functionality. As a result, it will always be ahead of the curve in performance, features and expandability.
Solo also benefits from NHS’ new third-generation interface design, making it easier to use than previous versions of CMS. Virtually every area of the program can now be directly accessed with one or two clicks of the mouse, making the program faster and easier to use than ever.
You can sign up now for a free online tour of CMS Solo. Or, you can receive additional information by calling NHS at (425) 861-7120.